Energy of the Week: Faith
Fresh off the fire of last week's Virgo New Moon energy (which is strange to say given that Virgo is generally an earthy, grounding energy!), we may be feeling a bit adrift.
Here's the thing. We've been in a period of transformation and transition all year long. And I don't know about you, but I've never been through a road to long lasting change that consisted of only rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns. There are always bumps, bruises, and scrapes along the way. When we encounter them, it's easy to want to throw in the towel and say, "Well, better luck next time." And in some cases that's the right move. This week, it's not.
Archangel Faith graces us with her presence for the week ahead, reminding us to TRUST. If you were just starting to settle into the orderliness of Virgo season and you find yourself encountering a bit of turbulence this week, know that Faith is with us to help us dust ourselves off and carry forward. Trust the process, lean in, and keep on keeping on - this is the story of the week. Have faith, trust the two feet that got you where you are today, and turn over the worry and concern to the Universe. You are loved, held gently, and supported in your endeavors, even when (and sometimes most especially when) it doesn't feel like it.
Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray