Welcome, March 2023
March is a huge month energetically and astrologically with Saturn and Pluto changing signs for the first time since 2020 and 2008, respectively. What do these changes mean? Big shifts both personally and collectively…
Card of the Week: Sage
Tap into the voice of inner knowing that exists within this week - there is important information sitting just beneath the surface.
Energy of the Week: Clear, Cancel, Release
You are your own worst critic. Be gentle with yourself by recognizing your inner dialogue and replacing judgement with self love.
Energy of the Week: Faith
This may be a week for a few bumps, bruises, and scrapes along the journey, but we’re being asked to have faith by leaning in to the process.
Energy of the Week: Transformation
This is a week for pushing past comfort zones and getting comfortable with the uncomfortable…
Energy of the Week: Strength and Guidance
Carve out time this week to get quiet and listen for incoming information.
Energy of the Week: Gaia
Amidst the changing tides, Gaia (Mother Earth) reminds us to find our footing.
Energy of the Week: The Shekinah
This week’s reminder is to find yourself in others and to remember your connection to all people, to Source energy, and to the Earth.
Oil of the Week: Ginger
Ginger grounds us to the Earth while balancing all our chakras. It has warming effects and is used worldwide for nausea.
Energy of the Week: Lion’s Gate and Archangel Ariel
Archangel Ariel - whose name translates to “Lion of God” - joins us for Lion’s Gate with the reminder to dream big.
Oil of the Week: Grounding
Stabilize, recenter, and refocus to realize your true potential!
Energy of the Week: Earth Guardian
The Earth Guardian greets us this week with the reminder to ground ourselves amidst changing tides…
Oil of the Week: Believe
Believe in yourself to connect with your inner strength and spiritual connections to affirm your foundation.
Energy of the Week: Mother-Father-God
This week we’re being called to remember our inner connection to all that is, all that was, and all that ever will be.
Energy of the Week: Spirit Fox
The energy of the fox greets us this week, encouraging us to trust in our instincts and to honor our adaptable nature during shifting times.