Universal Guidance Jenny Sellers Universal Guidance Jenny Sellers

An Ode to Orion…

Orion returned to the night sky this week in the Northern Hemisphere. With him he brought reminders of our oneness with the Universe, our ability to connect to energy that exists beyond the physical, and a spark of joy…

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Jenny Sellers Jenny Sellers

The Healing Grid

The Healing Grid is the sacred container where all of the DNA Activation work takes place. It has an energy all its own, and has the ability to leave us feeling replenished, at ease, and supported by the Universal energy that flows through the Grid like a heartbeat…

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Card of the Week, Angels, Angel Grove Jenny Sellers Card of the Week, Angels, Angel Grove Jenny Sellers

Card of the Week: The Heart Guardian

the Heart Guardian urges us to leave an open pathway for receiving love. So often our priorities exclude focus on the self. Too often they exclude spiritual practice and guidance from above. This week, we are encouraged to prioritize a channel to receive love. Make it a non-negotiable. Serve yourself before you serve others. Restore that balance. Let love in.

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Card of the Week Jenny Sellers Card of the Week Jenny Sellers

Card of the Week - Winter

With everything that's going on around us right now, it's no wonder that Winter is the card that came up for the collective for the week ahead. We are retreating back into ourselves because home is where we feel safest - inside the safety of the four walls that surround us as well as inside our own hearts. As we begin to notice the longer nights we prepare for rest because of the exhaustion that awaits at every corner.

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