Card of the Week: Compassion
Take just a little time this week to turn the compassion and kindness that you are so good at giving to others inward. You deserve it, dear one.
Oil of the Week: Hyssop
Hyssop supports spiritual connection while relieving stress related issues.
Card of the Week: Star Ancestor
Our Star Ancestors are calling to us this week with the reminder to look up. To get quiet. And to listen.
Oil of the Week: Clary Sage
Clary will support the energy of the week, working alongside Kali-Ma, to move forward, dream, ask for what we deserve…and do it with confidence, clarity, and inspiration!
Card of the Week: Kali-Ma
Kali-Ma joins us as we get this new week started with the energy of the New Moon. Encouraging us to swing for the fences, Kali brings her fierce and fiery energy to the week ahead.
Oil of the Week: Niaouli
Mercury, dreams, communication oh my! Read on for all things Niaouli.
Card of the Week: Horus
Horus joins us this week to carry our spoken wishes, dreams, and desires to the Universe. Dream big and let Horus work his magic!
Oil of the week: Eucalyptus
With the changing of seasons and the energy of the full moon this week use some Eucalyptus to support emotional and energy balance, harmony, purification and harmony as we step out into this “new” world!
Card of the Week: Summer
Though we’ve only just stepped into Spring, the energy of Summer is with us this week, reminding us that we don’t have to get it all done right now. Bask in Spring before jumping in to all the things. :)
Oil of the Week: Hope
What a better way to support the energy of the week than with Hope essential oil blend!
Card of the Week: Hope
Hope comes to us this week with the reminder that you needn’t search for her - she’s already arrived.
Card of the Week: Shield Maiden
If you’ve been feeling inspired toward action under the energy of Spring, the Shield Maiden comes to us with the reminder to harness that energy toward focused intention.
Oil of the Week: Cedarwood
Self awareness, courage, confidence, calm….give cedarwood a try!
Card of the Week: The Magician
You possess all of the necessary insight, wisdom, tools, knowledge, skills, and prerequisites to turn thought into action. The energy of the Universe is on your side this week as you step into creation mode.
Oil of the Week: German Chamomile
German chamomile can help support our relaxation, organization and communication!
Card of the Week: Master Buddha
This week we are being encouraged to return to the voice of our inner knowing as we prepare to welcome newness into our lives…
Oil of the week: Patchouli
Patchouli is excellent for our skin and mind…read on to find out why!
Card of the Week: Snake
We may feel the urge to make a change this week, but the energy is asking us to wait a bit longer before making any big moves…
Oil of the Week: Rose
My favorite oil is this week! Rose! Read the blog to find out why I treasure this essential oil!
Card of the Week: Harmony and Resolution
Harmony and Resolution are available to us this week in many different forms - both big and small - and we’re being encouraged to recognize the impact this will bring throughout the week.