DNA Activation
Never heard of it?
Neither had I. But man, am I so glad to have found it. DNA Activation is an ancient healing modality that dates back to Egyptian times whereby your spiritual strands of DNA are activated and returned back to their most pristine form. The result? Being able to more easily dial in to the voice of your higher self and what will serve your highest good. This is something that can benefit any person in any walk of life, regardless of job, age, race, or where you are in your spirituality. Absolutely everyone can benefit from turning up the voice of their higher self while turning down the voice of the ego.
Watch this. Then Read.
There’s a ton of great info in this video. There’s also a bunch of great info below.
Sounds interesting. But why should I have my DNA Activated?
Ever feel completely overrun by too many choices or decisions, causing analysis paralysis? I lived in that space for years, and DNA Activation helped me to connect more easily with the answers that would best serve me. Ever feel like you’re constantly reacting, rather than being proactive? I’ve been there. This happens when the ego is on overdrive, dictating behavior seemingly on autopilot. When you can learn to distinguish between the voice of your higher self and the voice of your ego, you can more easily operate from a space of knowing what will serve your highest good. Ever wanted to learn more about the guides, Ascended Masters, and Archangels that have an influence over your life? Or wondered about any vows from a past life that you might have carried forward with you into this life? Or been curious to find out what your psychic gifts might be? I cover all of that (and much more) throughout DNA Activation.
What does a DNA Activation session consist of?
All DNA Activation is done through time and space. Much like Reiki can be done from a distance, I connect to your higher self no matter where you are in the world (yes, really!) and with the help of your guides we clear, restore, and activate your spiritual and cosmic strands of DNA. I activate in groups of 24 strands, and you have two options - activate up to 24 strands, or choose to go all the way to 48. We schedule your first 24 strands in two separate sessions where we will activate to 12 strands during session one, and strands 13 - 24 in session two. Sessions are offset by one week to allow for integration. Here’s what we cover during each set of 24 strands:
But I’ve only ever heard of our physical DNA…you know…the double helix.
Again, same here. Something else I didn’t know was that our physical DNA only makes up around 3 - 5% of all the DNA held inside your body. Science doesn’t know what the other 95 - 97% does, and thus it’s been labeled as “Junk.” But do you believe that 97% of your genetic makeup is junk? Yeah, neither do I. In the energy world, it’s believed that held within that Junk DNA lies our spiritual strands of DNA. What connects us to our etheric body, our intuition, and to the Universe itself. These spiritual and cosmic strands of DNA lie dormant until they are cleared, restored, and activated through the ancient practice of DNA Activation.
What’s the process of scheduling?
Congratulations! You’re answering your soul’s calling to have your DNA activated, and I couldn’t be more excited for you! To start, schedule your first session here. We’ll jump on Zoom at that time for a guided meditation, after which I’ll go to work remotely on your spiritual strands of DNA. During that call we’ll find a time for our second session. Within one week of each activation of 24 strands, you’ll receive the detailed, personalized report that provides deep insight into all that transpired throughout the activation. You’ll also have the opportunity to schedule a follow-up 30 minute phone call to discuss the report and any questions you have after activation.
Do I have to be local for DNA Activation to work?
Nope! In dealing with your spiritual and cosmic strands of DNA, all of the work is done from a distance through time and space. Much like Reiki can be done from a distance, Jenny will connect to your higher self wherever you are in the world (yes, really!), and work with your guides to restore and activate your DNA.
Do I have to do anything during the session?
Nope! This is all done during a deep meditation where Jenny connects with your higher self while you’re going about your daily activities. That said, you’re welcome to take some time to sit and meditate during the time when your DNA is being activated.
Will I feel anything?
During the session most people don’t feel anything physical. After the session, it’s not uncommon to feel a bit thirsty or an upwelling of emotion. It’s a good idea to schedule your sessions during a time in your life when you can focus on anything that may arise. And as long as you do the work towards identifying the voice of your higher self vs the voice of your ego, after integration it should be easier to distinguish between the two and make swifter decisions towards what will serve your highest good.
Is DNA Activation permanent?
As a certified practitioner of the Radical Guide DNA Activation modality, all DNA Activation performed by True North is 100% permanent, without the need for maintenance sessions. What’s even cooler than that is that after you are activated to 48 strands, you’ll naturally continue to activate on your own.
How much does it cost?
Because of the in-depth nature of this work, each set of 24 strands costs $498.